Wednesday 16 January 2013

Total Recall: Amamake

Next Wednesday another cruiser roam. Starting with blooming stupidity and all the bad luck you can have in insta-locking gatecamps, we did another Lowsec roam with our tech 1 cruiser hulls.

This time (mostly) avoiding the Resbroko - Hadozeko hotspot we had a halfhearted roam around the area, because we did recall our destintation... of course: Amamake!

As we've had hoped, the Heretic Army was present again and, as the it is the job of a resident alliance owning all customs offices at all the planets of Amamake, they did once again underestimate us a little.

Although the fight did not last as long as last week it was really a lot of fun again! At the end we did retreat and only two of our seven cruisers returned into its hangar safely.
In my opinion this fight of seven bunnies against 8 heretics ended with a second score on our side. You can call me snobbish, but simply check the type of ships in this encounter (pure tech 1 cruisers vs. a mixture of one BC, two faction cruisers and some tech 1 cruisers).
We had to retreat early just because of the fact that we had no ships in system to reship with.
A snobbish conclusion might assume a completely different result of this fight if we would have had those quick reships at hand to return to the battlefield, as the heretics had. This way all a bunny could do was lose a ship and retreat. Anyways... conclude yourself!

Thanks again towards the Heretic Army for another really nice fight!

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