Wednesday 23 January 2013

Fast and Furious: The Frigate Gang

Today we were able to continue the small scale PvP roams in Lowsec. We have learnt about the need to be fast and furious. Especially in the open sites of factional warefare you must be quick if you want to catch the prey, innocent and of course the baiter.

So it happens that we are getting better in catching them. Even the double Medium-ASB tanked ships felt harder to chew last week. Or maybe our bunny incisors are simply getting sharper? Oh no wait... that was bait! Next time we will skip frigates in medium sized plexes or hopefully recall this fight!

Our bunnies are also getting used to refit quickly and so we chew on carrot by carrot. Trading tech 1 ship hulls quite well on our way through the region.

We call this a night quite early, not surprisingly as it is mid of the real-life work-week. But not before I can score another nice solo kill.

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