Sunday 20 January 2013

The Shining: Not Amamake

From our recent roams around the area we got interested in getting sort of a base in Amamake. While being able to ignite spontaneous fights with the Heretic Army, we must admit that they are in fact kings of this hill in their everyday presence.

Seeing them being aware of us as opponents they show up as soon as some of us enter system... "Be vewy vewy quiet, I'm hunting wabbits"!

After some days we notice that we will only be able to persist against them during quick and well organized events. I do assume that when we do not have enough pilots in fleet, we will not start fights in Amamake in the near future.

Nevertheless we will roam around Amamake more often now.

To start this we picked up the pure tech 1 cruiser theme and were trying to find adequate tech 1 hull frigate fittings. Our goal is to be cheap and efficient this way.
We managed to be cheap during several occasions today. And we believe to have become more efficient during the evening.

Ok, my role in the Maulus might not be the most important in the average encounter, but when it comes to special situations it proves to be worth it.

Finally we feel confident with our small gang and are pleased to have some more Lowsec fun these days. And as every good day this one has a happy and also lucky end for most of us. Finally everyone does make mistakes.
But to be honest, Alyssia would have been intolerably during the next days if he would have been the only person not loosing a single ship today!

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