Thursday 19 January 2012

Oh look, an Orca!

After coming online quite late and "again just short", i climbed into a bait cruiser and went out fishing. My original intent was to read a bit online while hanging out with my friends in our voice comms. As usual some corp-mates were online and we had our little fleet open.

Soon a Hulk joined me in the belt and started mining. After several minutes an Orca joined him. Well i thought: "As usual... mining support and a big-fat jetcan!"

But then another Hulk pops into my overview followed by a pod seconds later.

My alarm bell rings since my intent is to bait with my own jetcan. Maybe someone swaps ships to pick my can now. Seconds after this i notice that the Hulk is not manned by a pilot and i start to approach it. While telling this joyful message in our voice comms, the Orca pilot swaps ships and enters to the Hulk.

Well, what should i say... Thanks mate for picking up my empty bait-cruiser from the belt and thanks boss for that nice title on my char!

To complement this abstract of this story... here is the full story including chat logs of the conversations following this unintentional gift. The following was starting after i did dock my brand-new Orca safely in station.
[22:05:08] Omendor > hi
[22:05:14] Azgulza > hi mate
[22:05:23] Azgulza > did you see that orca before?
[22:05:30] Omendor > sure, why?
[22:05:42] Azgulza > It just warped :S
[22:06:08] Azgulza > but did not see anyone near it
[22:06:15] Omendor > what is so strange about warping ships?
[22:06:27] Azgulza > it was empty...
[22:06:31] Azgulza > no pilot
[22:06:35] Omendor > yours?
[22:06:36] Azgulza > he was in a hulk
[22:06:48] Azgulza > it was my corp mates
[22:07:20] Azgulza > Hank there
[22:07:22] Omendor > i would not leave ships in space anywhere
[22:07:52] Azgulza > i know.. but wth.. it cannot just warp away...
[22:08:07] Azgulza > No one was near it
[22:08:37] Omendor > someone must have been
[22:09:23] Azgulza > well its not like a orca is going into warp right away.. it takes forever
[22:10:01] Omendor > yes, quite huge ship that is
[22:10:36] Omendor > why did he leave the ship unmanned?
[22:10:58] Azgulza > so he could switch between it and the hulk
[22:12:19] Omendor > but everyone can board ones ship when left inspace
[22:13:06] Azgulza > i know... but not unnoticed
[22:13:23] Omendor > it did proove different, tbh
[22:13:44] Azgulza > :(
Meanwhile in local chat...
[22:02:36] Hank Scorpio Scorpio > anyone see a random orca warp near you?
[22:03:07] Adonis Magnko > yeah just jumped into otou
... (everyone is ignoring him)
[22:04:33] Hank Scorpio Scorpio > orca jumped to otou?
... (everyone is still ignoring him)
Of course i first had to ask my CEO if i may risk the aggro. But except congratulations and laughter i just picked up an "go for it" to reveal what happened to the pitifully pilot.

Picking up that previous private chat...
[22:15:44] Omendor > ok, do you want it back?
[22:15:52] Azgulza > yes
[22:16:08] Omendor > everything?
[22:16:13] Azgulza > yes
[22:16:32] Omendor > including the harvester drones?
[22:16:37] Azgulza > yes
[22:16:43] Omendor > how much do you pay?
[22:16:56] Azgulza > so you did take it?
[22:17:03] Omendor > yes, of course
[22:17:11] Azgulza > okay
[22:17:18] Azgulza > how much you want?
[22:17:24] Omendor > 1bill
[22:18:58] Azgulza > LoL
[22:19:18] Omendor > do you want it back or not?
[22:19:50] Azgulza > Dude... 1 bill
[22:20:15] Omendor > dude, do you want it back or not?
[22:20:19] Azgulza > thats more than its worth
[22:20:38] Omendor > its yours. do you want it back or not?
[22:21:03] Omendor > i bet you have issurance on it as well, so that s the price!
[22:21:09] Omendor > *insurance
[22:22:25] Azgulza > well it does not cover theaft
[22:23:25] Omendor > 550 Orca + 300 Harvester drones + 100mill insurance + experience paid  = 1 bill
[22:24:50] Azgulza > Well its not mine but my corp mate's
[22:25:08] Omendor > not my prob... bring him in here if he needs to
[22:28:04] Azgulza > Well he wants it back...
[22:28:46] Omendor > 1bill is its price and maybe raising soon
[22:28:54] Azgulza > Wanna come back to the site with it?
[22:29:32] Omendor > why?
[22:30:01] Azgulza > so you can make the switch!
Meanwhile im Local...
[22:16:07] Hank Scorpio Scorpio > WTF ORCA>> WHY YOU LEAVE ME :C
[22:16:24] Stribbsa > forever alone
[22:16:39] Hank Scorpio Scorpio > eject from orca.. orca warps away :C
[22:16:44] Hank Scorpio Scorpio > now its lost :P
[22:17:05] Stribbsa > someone may score a free orca floating around?
[22:17:11] Hank Scorpio Scorpio > ...
[22:17:27] Stribbsa > should I get my explore-on
[22:24:30] Hank Scorpio Scorpio > any bounty hunters in system :)?
[22:26:16] Omendor > yes, i am an bounty hunter. i do a lot for ISK
[22:29:26] Hank Scorpio Scorpio > hey guy who stole my orca pm me
[22:29:41] Renji Akachi > lol
[22:30:05] Hank Scorpio Scorpio > he wants 1bill for my orca back, id rather give 500m to whoever kills him :)
[22:30:19] Hank Scorpio Scorpio > any takers? you can blowup the orca
[22:30:38] Fanny'Bandit > wat now lol
Because he took a mouth full in local i could not resist to pick on him. Who knows what i would have yielded with friendliness! But the Orca did prove to only be the first gift!

So i did start a private conversation with him:
[22:30:36] Hank Scorpio Scorpio > o/
[22:30:36] Omendor > dont be stupid Hank!
[22:30:48] Hank Scorpio Scorpio > isk doesnt matter to me
[22:30:49] Hank Scorpio Scorpio > :)
[22:31:11] Omendor > sounds like fun... i am still in belt 1-2
[22:31:20] Hank Scorpio Scorpio > watcha flying?
[22:31:29] Omendor > come and have a look
[22:31:42] Hank Scorpio Scorpio > deal
[22:34:32] Omendor > i am waiting
[22:38:04] Omendor > the price is now 1.1bill
[22:39:05] Hank Scorpio Scorpio > lolololol
[22:39:06] Omendor > stupid!
[22:41:20] Omendor > and do you pay 1.1 bill?
[22:41:39] Hank Scorpio Scorpio > why i could just build another 1
[22:41:46] Omendor > ok
[22:41:51] Hank Scorpio Scorpio > keep it
[22:41:53] Hank Scorpio Scorpio > its like a gift
[22:41:56] Hank Scorpio Scorpio > except
[22:41:58] Omendor > rofl
[22:42:02] Hank Scorpio Scorpio > i do it grudgingly
[22:42:14] Hank Scorpio Scorpio > and without any feelings of friendship lol
[22:42:33] Omendor > your problem, dude!
[22:43:11] Hank Scorpio Scorpio > anyways the bounty should be fun for you
[22:43:20] Hank Scorpio Scorpio > i mean if i was a combat pilot id try for 100m
[22:43:51] Omendor > give me some if you can!
[22:44:25] Hank Scorpio Scorpio > the bounty system sucks in eve, cuz ull just get ur buddy to kill you, take all my money and thats it lol
[22:45:26] Omendor > anyway, "thanks for the fish" fly safe!
Following this Hank came back into the belt where i was of course baiting again in my cruiser. He just sat in an Hurricane, shot at me and got concorded. So he served the orca with some tech2 turrets as topping.

And wait... did i mention the three Harvester Mining Drones!? :-D

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