Sunday 19 May 2013

Return to J-Rabbit

This is the ragged translation of a "guest post" by my corpmate Alyssia Benar. Feel free to read the german original (login required).

Once upon a not that long ago time in a negligible class 2 wormhole system it happened that a small innocent alliance did recur to their old home... Since a few days we are back in our old wormhole system called "J-Rabbit".

We joyful did hope that another corporation did settle in our old home system. This hope was fulfilled, so we politely had to ask the troublemakers to leave our beloved home.

During our last stay in J-Rabbit we quickly got bored. Lazy as we were (and usually are), we have built a dreadnought class ship in there, to persuade the previous residents of the system to leave. By "unforeseeable accident" our dread pilot did reactivate his account just in time to help us in our effort. So we started to shoot the POS of the new residents.

Before starting to work on the POS structures, we of course reduced the allowed masses of the connected wormholes to a critical value, did place bubbles on each of them and had scouts outside.

In the beginning not much did seem to happen. After incapping the jammers (there have not been any warp disruption batteries) we started to work on their turrets.

Suddenly our scout at the wormhole connecting us to high security space announced a growing number of bomber and recon ships entering our system. With our dread still half through a siege cycle, we warped off the enemy POS with our sub capital ships.
This decision proved to be wrong, because we had already rapecaged the POS and so all enemy ships did land at our optimal range in the bubbles around our initial location.
For our return to the battlefield our (apart of that excellent) scout did give us a totally botched warp-in. So our fleet did land 50 to 80 km away from the still growing enemy fleet.

This seemed to develop to the kind of fight we did came for, so we started to call targets. We did pick the enemy Falcon... seconds ago that falcon was the only one on the field, now he was just one of three.
This did lead to our permanently blind logistics and four of our damage dealers becoming a nice aperitif for the enemies. Killing the first falcon did near to nothing to the situation, so we did quickly did retreat from the enemy POS.

The first round of this fight did go to our enemy and we did regroup at our own POS. In the meantime our dreadnought started another siege cycle and it seemed that we could finally loose him.

Brave-hearted all of us did reship and we warped back to the battlefield. One after another we killed three of their remaining four recon ships. After which we managed to kill most of the enemy stealth bombers.
The comment of the enemy FC was like "Fuck, we failed to kill the Talos!".

A short fight later we ended up with literally a blob of hostile pod-pilots in system. With having all outgoing wormholes bubbled, we quickly collapsed the exits in order to complicate reshipping for them. Pod-killing them got prohibited to keep them trapped as long as possible.
After a while we decided to let the demoralized pod-blob leave. We had other business to finish.

In the end we managed to turn the fight and save our dreadnought. Also the incredibly important ISK-war was precisely won by us. Most important the killboard got painted green at end this day.

Enough words, here are the facts...

The kill of the evening definitely was this one:
(time for the medal "One-Hit-Wonder!")

For some time this was one of the bigger fights for the Bunnies and we are proud of our Co-Bunnies, all doing a great job this night. It was a big fun! :-D

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